Steve and a friend broke up a dog fight last night! Steve and friend are feeling a bit foolish about stepping into the fray (when it wasn't either of their dogs involved) but they likely saved the life of a nice husky from a mean doberman!
He has one just like it on his palm too! Fun times.
*edited to add: four stitches.
You bit them back right Steve?
Don't worry, all the dogs in the fray had their rabbies shots and my tentnise is up to date. The reason for this is sort of a long story, but the woman who owns the three dogs has a big heart. She works at the spca adn tends to take animals home who are about to be put down. The Dobbies she just got a couple of months ago and has no real ida of their history. It was the strangest thing to see, like something you would see on Tv "when animals attack" or something like that. The only reason Peter and I jumped in was beacause the owner of the dogs was trying to same her older Husky which could have been killed. We did manage to break them up and then quickly tend to our wounds. I was out with Mook for a walk up the ski hill, the plan was to build a new bike stunt on one of the trails we have been building. Mook did great! she went and hid under a nearby picnic table and stayed there until we were all said and done. Shes the greatest! Anyway it's day three with stiches and the swelling has gone down a ton! I should be able to get them out in four or five days, hopfully back to normal! Just another day in the Adventures of Steve!
His hand was a bit red and swollen today, so I convinced him to go down to the hospital. The nurse thought it was definitely infected, so called a dr. in to check it out. He's on an antibiotic now, so hopefully all will be well.
OH MY GOODNESS! That doesn't look good but I'm glad everyone (animals included) is OK. Is anything going to happen with the Dobbies?
Well mom, the third dog did just what Mook did and that was hide under the picnic table and watch all the action!
With reguards to what will happen to the Dobbies.... your guess is as good as mine, we gave the owner our vote on what to do but she has a big heart and wouldn't dream of doing what we suggested, so we'll see. I don't know how she could possibly trust that dog again with anyone or any dog! The hand is looking one hundred percent better , the red swelling has gone down and there is now some definition in my knuckles, so thats s good sign for the antibiotics. I got a perscription for about 15 to 20 pills, taken twice a day, so a week and change should do it! Oh yeah, the stitches should come out in a couple three days from now, that would be nice!
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