How is your weekend going? On the bright side our planes didn't once go off the end of the runway. One has to wonder what kind of "plan B" the airlines have when a storm hits Toronto and air travel all across the country is thrown into a fit. We sat and waited in Calgary for our flight (Calgary has nice big comfy leather chairs hidden away in quiet areas) and overheard some flight attendants discussing a big storm in Toronto and how it was shaking up some of the flight schedules. Ok, no big deal we think since we still have several hours to go before we get into Hog Town. We get on the plane, fly to Toronto, and the nightmare begins. We sit for two hours on the apron in a hot stuffy Airbus waiting for the gate to clear so a plane in front of us can offload its passengers then allow us to get off our plane. While we're waiting we learn the flight to Ottawa has been cancelled. Where are our bags? Well, the baggage people seem to have unloaded the planes then dumped the luggage into a giant dryer then randomly are sending the bags up on the carosel for the waiting passengers. We did not find our luggage. We opted not get a hotel room since it was 2am and our flight to Ottawa this morning was going to be at 7:15am so we'd barely have time to sleep. I'm not sure that was a good call as our second option was to take advantage of the foam rubber you see the poor slobs sleeping on whenever Pearson Airport has a problem. Sort of the airline version of people sleeping on beds in the halls of the local hospital. We were up and back in line at about 5:30am to get to the gate and the flight to Ottawa was delayed again. Someone's bags got loaded then they didn't show for the flight. Hang on everyone while we dig through the cargo hold to find the unclaimed luggage. Anyway, we arrive in Ottawa this morning and only one of our bags comes up from the plane. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!
Whataya gonna do if you have grandkids overseas? We also thought about rail travel but the train (passenger) doesn't go through Blairmore and what with five derailments in the past month I think we're much safer flying.
At about 4am I noticed a group of people packing up and leaving behind several foam pads that had been handed out much earlier while supplies lasted. I ran over and grabbed 2 and Mitch and I were able to be at least a little more comfy and I actually caught a few winks. With all of the other things Mitch and I have experienced with our travels we hadn't yet slept in an airport. I figure we were due. LOL. We still arrived MUCH faster than we would have on the train or in the car.
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