Sunday, June 11, 2006

NDP Meeting

I went to High River to an NDP meeting today and drove up Highway #22. It is a beautiful drive. At times I was above the clouds....could look down into a valley and see clouds below where I was.

It reminded me of highways in New Brunswick and Vermont.

Met a lot of very nice people. Volunteered to be on the fundraising committee. The organization is not up to SK constituency organization!! But the enthusiasm is just as strong. A plus today was that two people volunteered to be candidates so we will have a nominating convention in the fall. An MLA from Edmonton was there and said the feeling among NDP MLA's is there will be an election in the Fall of 2007 but the leader wants as many candidates in place this Fall as possible.

I dropped off Crowsnest Tourist Guides at many places between here and there....gas stations, gift shops, jerky shop. I left some at a coffee/icecream shop called 'Navajo Mug' which I think is owned by Ian Tyson but he wasn't dishing out the tarts or ice cream so I guess Sunday is his day off maybe????

I took along the petition re: the CPR proposing to put a siding in between Blairmore and Coleman in the wetlands. 14 people signed it which is one side of the page. Nobody was on the side of the CPR....wonder why???

Am I the only one posting on the blog?

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