Tuesday, July 25, 2006

One Passport in the Bag!

My passport arrived today, talk about a speedy turn around!


Mitch said...

Ya, the passport folks have really got their gig down to a science, even the lady at the counter was super nice and super fast at processing my info and getting me on my way. I leave November 2nd at 3:15. It is nice to have it in my mits. I wasn't ever really worried about it but it is one more item I can strike off my list of things to do. Now, I must find a place to stay in BA and I'll be almost ready. :)

Jess and Steve said...

Yay, that's super exciting! Anticipation is half the fun of a holiday.

When we got ours they arrived very quick as well. They told us it would be 14 days and along they came after only 8. I'm sure there are a few other gov't dep'ts that could learn a lesson from those guys!