Well there he is folks! He was Born January 3 2007 at 10:43am. Jess and have just got home from the Hospital, a full 5 days after. Jess had to have 2 pints of blood added and was on a constant iv drip for extra fluids. Took a little more then we thought. But look at the rewards!
That was the most amazing and beautiful thing I have ever seen, that little guy made me cry! I'm off for now, back to Grandma's house where we will be spending the next two days, less steps!

Brilliant! Happy Birthday Miles!
Aww, so cute! Congratulations!
He's charming everyone who sees him! He looks exactly like his dad except that Steve doesn't have chubby cheeks or a double chin. This is Grandma, not Jess and Steve. I still can't get back on the blog.
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