Sunday, April 03, 2005

April Fools?

Did anyone have any good tricks played on them? We had just two, but they were both good and they got us hook, line and sinker!

One good friend of ours stopped in to say that another friend's garage had caught fire and he lost all of his quads & kayaks. This is a guy that Steve's gone out quadding with a few times, so good gag. He was crushed! And fooled.

Another customer stopped in for a coffee then came back about 20 minutes later to say the cream had gone sour. (this has happened twice before, so it's not a stretch) Then he went on to say he barfed. Well, I was mortified! And fooled.

Anyone else get got good?


Mitch said...

Sad to say but we've been too busy working to have time to be fooled. Well, ask Rebeca how cranky I am when I'm on call, you'd be crazy to play a prank on me then. Apparantly quite a few people got hooked by the Revenue minister who announced on CBC radio he was not going to pay income tax because it would be a conflict of interest. :) Quite a few people called to complain.

IT_Beckles said...

I had a little trick played on me. I stepped away from my desk for a few minutes and when I came back, a guy I work with told me that Mitch called and wanted me to call him and that it was really important. It's a stupid, old trick and I totally fell for it. :)