Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Hi all,

Just wanted to let you all know that my Mom had her surgery today to remove what was left of her Lung Cancer and all went well. She was in the operating room yesterday, fully prepped with the Anesthesiologist set up and about to start her on the anesthesia when an emergency heart surgery bumped her. They immediately stopped what they were doing and sent her to ICU for the other drugs to wear off, penciled her in for first thing this morning then gave her a room for the night. As hoped they took her in first thing this morning and by 10:30am we heard from the surgeon that all went perfectly. She'll be in the hospital for up to a week depending on how fast she heals up but all looks really good. :)

1 comment:

Jess and Steve said...

That must have been nervewracking to be bumped! Good news that all went well after that was out of the way though.