Saturday, October 08, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!

We're celebrating by going to the Columbus Day Parade tommorow, which Andrew and I are marching in. Should be fun!


Jess and Steve said...

Jess and i had a little company come down from Fort MacMurray. My brother Murray, his girlfriend Amber, her son Kade and their puppy Stanley! We were also looking after Gus which is Stuart and Akiko's dog so we had a pack of crazy dogs running around. We ate lasagna for supper with a nice spinach salad. Very traditional!

Mitch said...

Ours was also very traditional. In the morning we got up late, I went out with my musket and bagged a large spicy pepperoni pizza. After that I went for a 51km bike ride while Rebeca watched the Thanksgiving Oprah.