Monday, October 24, 2005

Project Porchlight : Change Within Reach

I had an email waiting for me this evening from a local blogger, we'll call him Dan because that's his name, informing me and the rest of the people on his list of a new and brilliant idea [pun intended]. It's called Project Porchlight. The idea is to distribute compact fluorescent bulbs to every household across the country, they're starting with Ottawa South, with the intent of reducing power consumption through conservation. Get this: put one of these babies in one lightsocket in each home across the country and we'll be reducing pollution to the tune of taking 66,000 cars off the roads. As a cyclist this is most appealing. As someone who would like my kids to see polar bears this is most appealing.

I love this idea and can say, proudly, that I recommended to my condo association last year that we replace the many incandesent lights throughout our building with compact fluorescents. And they did!! That's no less than 10-12 on each of three floors and the basement level. We have several in our loft too.

Want more info? You'll want to click on the button below. If you're in the Ottawa area you'll want to head out to the big Giant Tiger on Walkley Road and get yourself a bulb free. Better yet, get your free one then head inside and buy a bunch to replace the rest of the bulbs in the house. You'll want to save the incandescents to be sold on ebay in the future, they'll be museum articles in no time.

1 comment:

Jess and Steve said...

Thats a pretty cool idea! Jess and I have replaced ALL of the bulbs down in the store with those little beauties and have a couple in the apartment as well. They are just as bright and last waaaayy longer! Go Porchlight!