Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cats Are Not Evil (And They Have Talent Too!!)

All of this talk of evil cats and ugly ducklings got Willow a bit perturbed. At her request I am posting this, she tried typing but her feet only mashed the keys. Willow says to click on the link to Airborne Cats and then click on the "view as slideshow" option on the upper right side and sit back and marvel at the skillz these cats in Japan have. Please note: no mice, simulated or otherwise, were harmed in the making of these photos, we don't know where the fish are, and the bird cage door must have been loose.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

Yes, the cat game! I think, aside from the leaping cats, the excited looks on their little faces is hilarious. Willow plays her version of the cat game with a rubber band, she never plays with the actual cat toys but loves a crumpled up scrap of paper or a rubber band from the mail.