Saturday, March 25, 2006

Travel on the Company Dime

I'm not one to count my chickens before they are hatched, less disappointment that way, but the boss sent out a short email yesterday looking for volunteers who would be willing to travel to India to train a handful of techs to do our jobs with a small number of servers. My arm, in reflex action, shot up. I've been sorting out the passport requirements for Argentina in the fall but now I have to rush to get it ready to go in the event they need someone quicker. The good thing about this is that the location of the office is in the really warm part of the country and on the coast of the Bay of Bengal. Get out your atlas kids and look up Chennai.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

It's not a definite yet. I laugh in the face of dangerous snakes. Tsunamis, well, I'll wear a life jacket. ;)