Saturday, October 29, 2005


What's the recommended method of disposal for old cd's? I have a mountain of old technet and software cd's I would like to get rid of but don't want to burden the local landfill with yet more plastic and metal. Any thoughts on what I should be doing with this stuff?

Thursday, October 27, 2005 - Your Enlightened Guide to Airplane Seating

Here's a little something to help with your flight to the DR. David might find this useful too. SeatGuru.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Dos cervezas por favor...

We booked our holiday today! Wah laloo!

We are going for two weeks, leaving on November 16th. We fly into Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, arriving at 7pm (or so) for our all inclusive, long-awaited vacation. Now to brush up on the espanol!

We'll be staying at the Grand Paradise Bavaro. I'll see if I can find a link...

Like this one? Grand Paradise Bavaro

Monday, October 24, 2005

Happy 70th birthday cake!

Now thats a cake!

Project Porchlight : Change Within Reach

I had an email waiting for me this evening from a local blogger, we'll call him Dan because that's his name, informing me and the rest of the people on his list of a new and brilliant idea [pun intended]. It's called Project Porchlight. The idea is to distribute compact fluorescent bulbs to every household across the country, they're starting with Ottawa South, with the intent of reducing power consumption through conservation. Get this: put one of these babies in one lightsocket in each home across the country and we'll be reducing pollution to the tune of taking 66,000 cars off the roads. As a cyclist this is most appealing. As someone who would like my kids to see polar bears this is most appealing.

I love this idea and can say, proudly, that I recommended to my condo association last year that we replace the many incandesent lights throughout our building with compact fluorescents. And they did!! That's no less than 10-12 on each of three floors and the basement level. We have several in our loft too.

Want more info? You'll want to click on the button below. If you're in the Ottawa area you'll want to head out to the big Giant Tiger on Walkley Road and get yourself a bulb free. Better yet, get your free one then head inside and buy a bunch to replace the rest of the bulbs in the house. You'll want to save the incandescents to be sold on ebay in the future, they'll be museum articles in no time.

Mom and her Birthday Presents

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Hey Mitch! We got her with that wind up butterfly thingy you sent us, i tries to get a good action shot of it, does she look surprised? We just finished dinner and are getting ready for an evening of birthday cards. I'll have a couple of shots of the cake as soon as we surprise her with it!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Jack Layton Siting

While I was standing waiting for my bus the other night after work Jack Layton passed by me on Bank Street headed towards Parliament Hill. I didn't say anything but if I had my camera with me I would have got a couple of quick shots.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Cantabile at SJ City Hall!!

We were on TV around the city hall for the grand opening. Mom took this picture, and a bunch of other ones, but when I tried to zoom in a bit, they got very blurry. I'm in the second row, fourth from the right. Laura's in the first row, second from the left.

I entered three bills tonight and checked to see what the statistics were. Not good. I've posted 99 bills and had one hit. I think the breakdown was 77 $5 bills, one $50, 4 $100 some twenties and a few tens.

Where's Willy?


Has anyone checked the trapline lately? Oh, please don't let there be critters there.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

On the road again

I thought i would show you guys what one of the loads we did for Mom and Dad looked like this summer.

Do you see what isee?!!

Are you ready for winter?

Mook is ready fro that bone chilling blast of winter! This is a shot Jess took, trying to come up with an ad for our bathroom advertising that we "try" and do every month. It's a pretty fun way to advertise, you can be a little more care free. it is in a bathroom!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!

We're celebrating by going to the Columbus Day Parade tommorow, which Andrew and I are marching in. Should be fun!