Saturday, April 01, 2006

Married Again!!! I Never Thought It Would Happen But When It's Right You Just Have to Do It!!

Well, I've kept this fairly quiet over the past few weeks so I didn't have any calls or emails asking me if I was totally off my rocker but I guess I can tell people now since we're both sure about this. I met someone a while back, post-R, and we've decided we're going to get married in June of this year. Ya, it's only been a short time frame but when you're sure and you know its right well you just have to go for it. I've never felt this certain about what I was doing and to tell you the truth all of the dots are in such good order I know its time. I'll give you more details a little later this month about time and place and stuff like that. I am so happy!!! :)

1 comment:

Mitch said...

Good catch Mom!